Our Sanctuary, Buildings, and Grounds

Saint Stephen’s is blessed to have a beautiful property located at 800 Timothy Road on the west side of Athens, Georgia. Other than our neighbors at the Unitarian Church, we are in a mostly residential area conveniently located just off of the Georgia 10 Loop.

Our church building is built in the carpenter Gothic style with vertical boards and battens. The exterior wood is cypress, the interior floors are heart pine, and the ceiling is spruce. The stained glass windows in the sanctuary, sacristies, and stairwells were crafted by Nancy Wilds of Aiken, South Carolina. Each window is unique, depicting Anglican worship and saints.

A choir loft, added some years after the original construction, contains a pipe organ and seating for up to 15. St. Stephen's present organ was installed by the firm of Michael Proscia Organbuilder, Inc., of Bowdon, GA. It consists of 28 ranks of pipes of various provenance controlled by a four manual and pedal console. The nucleus of the instrument comes from a 1950’s era M. P. Moller organ whose original home was the Fist Baptist Church of Forsyth, GA. Proscia built new chests, selecting and reusing the best of the existing pipe ranks, augmenting these with several new ranks of pipes and adding additional ranks from the firm’s stock of used pipes. The new instrument was first used on Easter Day, 2003.

The church's other main building is the Fowler Building, which contains the church office, archbishop and rector’s offices, and numerous Sunday school and meeting rooms. The upper level of the Fowler Building houses Lewis Hall,  which serves as the church's main parish hall.  Lewis Hall seats up to 150 and contains an industrial kitchen.

The outside areas of our property contain a Founder’s Garden with patio and fountain, a children’s playground, and a newly constructed cemetery for the cremated remains of our members.

The membership of St. Stephen’s takes great pride in the physical blessings God has given us. As such, parish work days are held throughout the year during which our parishioners volunteer their time and talents to spruce up the grounds and interior buildings. This ensures the perpetual care of our property and also provides a time of fun and fellowship for our members.