
The temporal affairs of St. Stephen’s Church are governed by a body of elected lay people called the "vestry". The officers of the vestry are the Senior, or “rector’s” Warden, appointed by the rector, who as senior layman chairs meetings in the rector’s absence and acts as liaison between rector and parishioners; the Junior, or “people’s” Warden, elected by the vestry, who is in charge of the care and upkeep of the grounds and physical plant; the Treasurer (not required to be a vestry member), elected by the vestry, who manages the parish finances; and the Secretary (not required to be a vestry member), also elected by the vestry, who records the minutes of all meetings. The other members of the vestry, while having no specific responsibility, assist the body in various other ways as needed. The spiritual affairs of St. Stephen’s (the liturgy, music, services, etc.) are governed by the rector who answers directly to the bishop.

Members of the parish who have concerns or ideas about parish improvement can contact any vestry member at any time. Email and telephone addresses for all members are available in the parish directory, or by contacting the church office.

Vestry Members of St. Stephen's - 2024

Mary Carlson

Connie Herringdine

Walter Holland, Senior Warden

Kathleen LePain

Carlton Powell, Treasurer

Holly Ransom

Carol Reap

Ken Roberts, Junior Warden

Mitchell Swan