Confirmation Classes

In the Sacrament of Confirmation, you are confirming the promises your parents made on your behalf (or that you made yourself) at your baptism, and you are confirming your commitment to continue your journey of faith. In confirming this faith, you become a member of the local and worldwide Christian family. In turn, the Church promises to support and pray for you.

As children approach the age of 11, "Confirmation class", or preparation for Confirmation, begins. The purpose of confirmation preparation is to ensure that children who are confirmed have a proper understanding of what it means to live as a disciple of Christ within the life of the Church. There is no particular "right" age for a person to be confirmed; young people mature in their faith in different ways and at different ages. Part of the purpose of Confirmation classes is to help children understand their faith more deeply and their role in the church, and to decide whether they are prepared to take this step. The rector believes this preparation is critical to maintaining a continued relationship with the Church as children enter their teen years. 

Adults who have never been confirmed and wish to receive this Sacrament could plan to participate in as their preparatory course.

Confirmations are typically performed by the Archbishop on his annual visit to the parish in December, but may occur at other times if the need arises.