
At St. Stephen’s, we strive to create an environment in which we all worship together comfortably.

Our church has a wheelchair-accessible entrance at the front right side of the building, and the entrance to the Fowler Building for Coffee Hour is also wheelchair accessible. Accessible bathrooms are available in the Fowler Building. 

If you have a physical limitation that prevents you from kneeling, standing, or genuflecting during Mass, it is perfectly acceptable to sit while you participate in the service. You may stand to receive Holy Communion if you are unable to kneel at the altar rail. If you are unable to come to the altar rail at all during Holy Communion, the priest can bring the Sacrament to your pew. Just let the usher know you will need Communion brought to you, and sit at the end of the pew during the service.

If you have other needs that require accommodation, please contact the church office. We will make every effort to assist you. At St. Stephen’s, all are welcome!