News & Notes

Entries for April 2015

Our current Sunday School study focuses on the non-Pauline Epistles that follow the book of Hebrews. James, Peter, John, and Jude are brief writings often overlooked due to their placement, but they contain much that is of great value to a Christian's everyday living. Join us in Lewis Hall (the ...

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May 14 is the Feast of the Ascension of our Lord. You are invited to join us at 6:00 p.m. for the Celebration of Holy Communion followed by a Fish Fry!  Sign-up sheets will be available in Lewis Hall and the narthex in the weeks ahead. Come join us for a night of Worship and Fellowship.  G...

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Easter Day is a special day for the children of St. Stephen's!  Join us in the Founder's Garden for a bountiful Easter Egg hunt at 10:15 a.m. (children should arrive a little early as the hunt will begin promptly).  The Easter Bunny will be joining us for photos and hugs!  The...

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