Holy Monday 3/29....Holy Eucharist, 12:00 noon
Holy Tuesday 3/30...Holy Eucharist, 12:00 noon
Holy Wednesday 3/31....Holy Eucharist, 12:00 noon....Tenebrae, 6:00 pm
Maundy Thursday 4/1.... Solemn High Mass, 6:00 pm....Watch before the Altar of Repose, 7:00 pm – Midnight
Good Friday 4/2.....Morning Prayer, Address, & Litany, 12:00 noon....Stations of the Cross, 10 am.....Good Friday Liturgy, 6:00 pm
Holy Saturday 4/3..... Great Easter Vigil, 6 pm
Easter Day 4/4....Holy Eucharist & Sermon, 7:30 am....Holy Eucharist & Sermon, 9:00 am..... Solemn High Mass with procession, 11:00 am... SEATING IS LIMITED AT ALL SERVICES. OVERFLOW SEATING WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE UNDERCROFT OF THE CHURCH WITH TV VIEWING OF LIVE STREAM