News & Notes

In Memoriam - Nancy Barrett

Posted on January 25, 2015 in: General News


It is with great sorrow that we report the death of our beloved Church Administrator, Nancy Barrett.

Nancy passed away on Saturday, January 24 at St. Mary's Hospice, following a period of declining health.

For more than 9 years, Nancy acted as Assistant to the Rector and Business Manager for the parish. In addition, she served on the staff of Archbishop Mark Haverland and also managed the Anglican Parishes Association online bookstore and assisted with various functions within the Diocese of the South.

Nancy brought to these responsibilities over 40 years experience in fields such as benefits management and retirement planning, major construction field projects, industrial injury management within a hospital setting, and medical practice support.  Prior to joining St Stephen’s, Nancy worked within a hospital setting managing its programs with local businesses. Over the course of her life, Nancy lived in 17 different states, finally settling in Athens 18 years ago. She described herself as, "an avid reader who lives a quiet life, except during football season when it’s do or die for the University of Georgia Bulldogs."

To those of us at St. Stephen's, Nancy was a brilliant administrator and an invaluable source of information and assistance - but more than that, she was a close friend and part of our church family.  She will be deeply and truly missed.

Rest eternal grant unto her, O Lord, and may light perpetual shine upon her. May her soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace.

Funeral arrangements are still being made and will be posted to this website as soon as they are complete.



