Baptism is where life begins for every Christian. Through the waters of Baptism we are reborn and claimed as Children of God.

For Anglican Catholics, Baptism is one of two sacraments necessary for salvation, the other being Holy Communion.

Although some denominations prefer to Baptize their members later in life, usually 13 or older, Anglicans, Roman and Eastern Catholics, and most mainline Protestant denominations practice infant Baptism. Baptism of entire families, infants included, has been practiced since the time of the Apostles and we retain the tradition to this day. Baptism, like all sacraments, conveys grace, which enables the recipient to “have power and strength and victory, to triumph against the devil, the world and the flesh.” (BCP 278)

Baptisms at St. Stephen’s are normally performed during one of the Sunday morning services. This allows the entire parish family to share in the joy as the newest member of God’s family is presented. Baptisms may also be scheduled at other times in order to accommodate the needs of the family.

Baptism can be scheduled by calling the office and speaking with the rector.

In the event of an emergency where grave illness or death appears imminent, please call the church office immediately. A priest will come to your location as soon as possible. For an emergency baptism after hours, please call 706-254-2572.