St. Stephen's offers a number of worship opportunities every week. The typical schedule is below. HOWEVER, please consult the church calendar for the day you wish to attend, as sometimes weekday masses are moved or rescheduled due to clergy travel.
St. Stephen's also offers multiple masses on Holy Days of Obligation and all major feasts and fasts, and the parish holds Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent. Times for special services will be listed in advance in church bulletins and in the calendar on this website.
8:30 am Morning Prayer
9:00 am Holy Communion (no music)
10:00 am Sunday School
11:00 am Sung Eucharist and Sermon
1:00 pm Spanish Mass
Monday 12:00 noon Low Mass
Tuesday 12:00 noon Low Mass
Wednesday 12:00 noon Low Mass
Wednesday 5:30 p.m. Evening Prayer (when Archbishop Haverland's Bible Study is in session)
Thursday 8 a.m. Low Mass
Friday 12:00 noon Low Mass